News - Archived

NORTEP-NORPAC Instructor hands out positive messages to trick-or-treaters

NORTEP-NORPAC Instructor hands out positive messages to trick-or-treaters

NORTEP-NORPAC Instructor hands out positive messages to trick-or-treaters Printable version Photo With the recent suicides of six girls in northern Saskatchewan in less than a month, NORTEP-NORPAC Instructor and SGEU member April…

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Deputy Sheriff job cuts ill-informed and unjustified

Deputy Sheriff job cuts ill-informed and unjustified

Printable version The provincial government is misinforming the public, and trying to downplay the risks involved in cutting Deputy Sheriff positions, according to SGEU. Government is cutting the jobs of 12 workers in courthouses around…

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Restraint measures will undercut public services but won't stop wasteful spending

Restraint measures will undercut public services but won't stop wasteful spending

Restraint measures will undercut public services but won't stop wasteful spending Printable version The restraint measures announced in the mid-year financial update will undercut the public services Saskatchewan families and communities…

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Drastic decline in Social Services workers hurting northern communities

Drastic decline in Social Services workers hurting northern communities

Drastic decline in Social Services worker hurting northern communities Printable version A drastic decline in the number of Ministry of Social Services workers in the north is contributing to the current crisis among children, families and…

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Public service workers shouldn't be asked to pay for government's wasteful spending

Public service workers shouldn't be asked to pay for government's wasteful spending

Printable version Premier Brad Wall should take responsibility for the deficit that he and his Sask. Party government created, instead of proposing wage rollbacks and layoffs for public servants, according to SGEU. “The premier wants…

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Minister of Social Services refuses to meet with SGEU

Minister of Social Services refuses to meet with SGEU

Printable version The Minister of Social Services is refusing to meet with SGEU to discuss a growing number of vacant Social Services positions, according to SGEU. In October, the Ministry of Social Services identified more than 30 vacant…

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Health restructuring must not reduce existing services or disrupt patient care

Health restructuring must not reduce existing services or disrupt patient care

Printable version The provincial government must ensure that frontline workers and patient care won’t be adversely affected as it consolidates the province’s 12 Regional Health Authorities into one, according to SGEU. “Workers on the…

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Firing custodial workers won't fix the economy

Firing custodial workers won't fix the economy

Firing custodial workers won't fix the economy Printable version The Sask. Party’s latest move to cut 251 custodial positions in all provincial buildings is an ideological move that won’t fix the province’s economic troubles,…

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Contracting out process unethical and demoralizing

Contracting out process unethical and demoralizing

Contracting out process unethical and demoralizing Printable version Government’s decision to inform hundreds of custodial employees that their jobs would be contracted out if a private company proposes to do their work more cheaply is…

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Inducing labour contractions won't birth economic recovery

Inducing labour contractions won't birth economic recovery

Inducing labour contractions won't birth economic recovery Printable version Government’s declaration that public sector employees must accept wage freezes or rollbacks in order to avoid layoffs is the wrong way to deal with our provinces…

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Occupational Health and Safety report confirms Deputy Sheriff job cuts unsafe

Occupational Health and Safety report confirms Deputy Sheriff job cuts unsafe

Printable version A report from the Occupational Health and Safety Division confirms that government’s decision to contract out court security is unsafe for workers and the public. “The Sask. Party government’s attempt to save a few…

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Government's plan to cut 4,900 health care workers threatens patient safety

Government's plan to cut 4,900 health care workers threatens patient safety

Government's plan to cut 4,900 health care workers threatens patient safety Printable version The provincial government’s plan to cut 4,900 health care workers in order to pay for the ballooning deficit that it created is reckless and will…

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Government must honour building cleaners' rights under the Employment Act

Government must honour building cleaners' rights under the Employment Act

Printable version As the request for proposals for cleaning services in government buildings closes today, SGEU urges the Ministry of Central Services to ensure that the rights of the workers whose jobs are being tendered are respected.…

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Government proposes massive cuts to service delivery

Government proposes massive cuts to service delivery

Government proposes massive cuts to service delivery Printable version Requiring public employees to take monthly unpaid days off would amount to a pay cut that would send shocks through Saskatchewan’s economy, according to SGEU.  “We…

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Sask. Finance Minister misleading media about what public servants want

Sask. Finance Minister misleading media about what public servants want

Sask. Finance Minister misleading media about what public servants want Printable version Contrary to what Finance Minister Kevin Doherty told reporters yesterday, public servants are not in favour of additional unpaid days off, according to…

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