Welcome to the 2016 SGEU Convention! Here you will find daily updates on convention. Check daily for photos, videos, member features and convention activities. Daily Digest April 22, 2016 Daily Digest April 23, 2016
Welcome to the 2016 SGEU Convention! Here you will find daily updates on convention. Check daily for photos, videos, member features and convention activities. Daily Digest April 22, 2016 Daily Digest April 23, 2016
Safe Worker Award SGEU proudly congratulates member Paul Price, a Facility Youth Worker at the North Battleford Youth Centre, on being named one of two finalists for WorkSafe Saskatchewan’s 2016 Safe Worker Award. Paul, a longtime co-chair…
PPE Fashion Contest In recognition of the North American Occupational Safety and Health Week, the SGEU Occupational Health & Safety Standing Committee is holding a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) fashion contest! Members are encouraged…
New Life Member Terry Ullman is the newest member of the Life Members' table. Terry's involvement in SGEU is well known. "Bad management made for a strong union at my workplace," she said. "I saw the problems around me, and I was…
Sector Highlights Public service sector highlights For the health plan, after a search for the best value, Great-West Life has been selected as the insurance carrier for extended health care plans effective January 1st, 2016. There will…
RALLY FOR SASKATCHEWAN MARCH 8, 2017 Want to phone or email your MLA? Click here for their contact info. Can’t join on March 8? Send a message with one of these signs. Print off this sign, write in your message, take a photo with the sign,…
Leadership Development Course Registration Form Please ensure that you have completed all of the prerequisites prior to applying for a course. Contact Darla Nowoselsky at (306) 775-7211 dnowoselsky@sgeu.org to verify. …
Domestic violence and the workplace Jo-Anne Dusel from the Provincial Association of Transition Houses and Services of Saskatchewan addressed Convention and spoke about the various ways survivors of domestic violence are affected in their…
Downloadable version May 30, 2016 Dr. Larry Rosia President and CEO Saskatchewan Polytechnic 400-119 4th Avenue South Saskatoon SK S7K 5X2 Re: An Open Letter to the President of Saskatchewan Polytechnic Dear…
SGEU sponsors bowling teams SGEU is proud to have sponsored three men's, women's, and mixed Regina teams at the Great Western Open Provincials March 31-April 3, 2016. Congratulations to all of the teams for participating at the highest level…
An Open Letter to Saskatchewan’s Commercial Permittees downloadable version As you’re aware, the provincial government is pushing ahead with regulatory changes to Saskatchewan’s liquor retailing system, which the government has…
Buffalo Narrows jail closure leaves community worse off Printable version Ashley Daigneault and her colleagues gathered for a meeting in the kitchen at the Buffalo Narrows Community Correctional Centre with no warning that they were about to…