The SGEU offices will be closed on Monday, September 2

News - Archived

Government's contempt for bargaining process and public service is astounding

Government's contempt for bargaining process and public service is astounding

Government's contempt for bargaining process and public service is astounding Printable version For immediate release                                                                   …

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SGEU files Unfair Labour Practice against government for threatening rollbacks, breaching rights of government cleaners

SGEU files Unfair Labour Practice against government for threatening rollbacks, breaching rights of government cleaners

SGEU files Unfair Labour Practice against government for threatening rollbacks, breaching rights of government cleaners Pintable version March 15, 2017 SGEU is mounting a legal challenge in response to government threats to roll back wages…

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Government not listening to northerners

Government not listening to northerners

Government not listening to northerners Printable version For immediate…

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Budget response: Sask. families and public services continue to pay the price

Budget response: Sask. families and public services continue to pay the price

Budget response: Sask. families and public services continue to pay the price Printable version For immediate release                                                               …

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Government Must Respect Patients and Front Line Workers While Transitioning to One Provincial Health Authority

Government Must Respect Patients and Front Line Workers While Transitioning to One Provincial Health Authority

Government Must Respect Patients and Front Line Workers While Transitioning to One Provincial Health Authority Printable Version FOR IMMEDIATE…

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Hundreds rally in Prince Albert to oppose cuts, stand up for Saskatchewan

Hundreds rally in Prince Albert to oppose cuts, stand up for Saskatchewan

Hundreds rally in Prince Albert to oppose cuts, stand up for Saskatchewan Printable version For immediate release                                                                      …

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Government passes legislation to sell off Crowns

Government passes legislation to sell off Crowns

Printable version Government passed legislation today that will allow it to begin selling off the province’s Crown corporations without the support of Saskatchewan people, according to SGEU. Bill 40, the innocuous-sounding Interpretation…

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Government unwilling to listen to concerns of Social Services staff

Government unwilling to listen to concerns of Social Services staff

Government unwilling to listen to concerns of Social Services staff Printable version For immediate release                                                                         …

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Government ignores its responsibilities to northerners

Government ignores its responsibilities to northerners

Government ignores its responsibilities to northerners Printable version For immediate release                                                                            …

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Sask Polytech lays off staff while looking to hire more managers

Sask Polytech lays off staff while looking to hire more managers

Sask Polytech lays off staff while looking to hire more managers Printable version For immediate release                                                                          …

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People at Stand Up for Saskatchewan Rally call for an end to budget cuts

People at Stand Up for Saskatchewan Rally call for an end to budget cuts

People at Stand Up for Saskatchewan Rally call for an end to budget cuts Printable version For immediate release                                                                       …

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STC shuts down: a dark day for Saskatchewan

STC shuts down: a dark day for Saskatchewan

STC shuts down: a dark day for Saskatchewan Printable version For immediate…

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Government to fire hundreds of cleaners from living-wage jobs

Government to fire hundreds of cleaners from living-wage jobs

Government to fire hundreds of cleaners from living-wage jobs Printable version                                                                                            …

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Protesters "greet" Jim Reiter's Golf Tournament

Protesters "greet" Jim Reiter's Golf Tournament Printable version                                                                                                …

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Protesters picket Sask Party AGM

Protesters picket Sask Party AGM

Protesters picket Sask Party AGM Printable version FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                      …

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