Tell the Saskatchewan goverment to sign on to Pharmacare.

Sign on to Pharmacare is a campaign brought to you by the Saskatchewan Health Coalition. SGEU is a member of the Saskatchewan Health Coalition.

The recent introduction of Bill C-64, also known as the Pharmacare Act, is an encouraging first step towards a fully universal pharmacare program. The first stage of the legislation, if passed, will be to set up two categories of coverage: contraception and diabetes medication and equipment. To learn more about the legislation and analysis so far, please check out the varous background articles from our colleagues at the Canadian Health Coalition.

Once the legislation has passed, the next step towards implementing the plan is for provinces to negotiate and agree to bilateral agreements with the federal government, and this stage is where Saskatchewan residents can get involved!

We have launched a letter writing campaign for Saskatchewan residents to email their MLAs directly. We have a prepared template that you can use, or you can add your own comments as well. By entering your postal code, our online tool will ensure it gets sent to your provincial MLA.

If like us you agree that a pharmacare program would be a huge benefit to millions of Canadians, especially those who can't afford their vital and life-saving medications and equipment, then send your letter today!

Send your letter