A message from Hali Topinka on National Indigenous Peoples Day https://www.sgeu.org/news/sgeu-news/a-message-from-hali-topinka-on-the-national-day-for-truth-and-reconciliation Tomorrow is National Indigenous Peoples Day, a time for us to recognize the strength, diversity and accomplishments of the original inhabitants of the land now known as Canada. Solstice solidarity June 21 was first declared National Indigenous Peoples Day in 1996, but Indigenous Peoples have long observed and celebrated the return of warmer weather with ceremonies and community gatherings. As... Sign on to Pharmacare https://www.sgeu.org/news/sgeu-news/sign-on-to-pharmacare Sign on to Pharmacare is a campaign brought to you by the Saskatchewan Health Coalition. SGEU is a member of the Saskatchewan Health Coalition. The recent introduction of Bill C-64, also known as the Pharmacare Act, is an encouraging first step towards a fully universal pharmacare program. The first stage of the legislation, if passed, will be to set up two categories of coverage: contraception... SGEU PS/GE Negotiating Committee reaches tentative agreement with province https://www.sgeu.org/news/sgeu-news/sgeu-psge-negotiating-committee-reaches-tentative-agreement-with-government For immediate release May 14, 2024 Regina, SK—Following mediation, the Saskatchewan Government and General Employees’ Union (SGEU) Public Service/Government Employment (PS/GE) Negotiating Committee has reached a tentative agreement with the Government of Saskatchewan. Details of the agreement were brought to PS/GE’s bargaining council on May 9 and 10, and the council voted to... 2024 Convention Report https://www.sgeu.org/news/sgeu-news/2024-convention-report The theme of this year’s Convention was “Reconnect.” Delegates from across the province reconnected from April 25 to 27 to discuss issues, debate resolutions and make important decisions. We elected table officers and trustees, deliberated and passed a budget.  We reconnected and made new connections. Through all of this, we set a path forward for our union. Connecting... 2024 convention election results https://www.sgeu.org/news/sgeu-news/2024-convention-election-results Thank you to everyone who put their name forward for one of the positions up for election. Our union is made strong through member engagement, one aspect of which is serving in leadership positions. Congrats to all newly elected officials! Position Name   Tracey Sauer President Acclaimed Tyler Bollinger NUPGE... Tri-union committee requests follow-up meeting with Minister Makowsky https://www.sgeu.org/news/sgeu-news/tri-union-follow-up-with-minister-makowsky Last November, community-based organization (CBO) members from SGEU, SEIU-West, and CUPE Saskatchewan met with the Honourable Gene Makowsky, Minister of Social Services. The group shared about the need for multi-year funding and offered ideas about how to improve staff retention and recruitment. On April 18, the presidents of the tri-union CBO committee, sent a joint letter to Minister Makowsky... SGEU committee spotlight: Meet the Anti-Privatization Committee https://www.sgeu.org/news/sgeu-news/sgeu-committee-spotlight-meet-the-anti-privatization-committee The SGEU Anti-Privatization Committee assists sectors and bargaining units in preventing and reversing privatization, highlights the benefits of public services, and educates the membership on the negative consequences of privatization.  What made you decide to get involved with the anti-privatization committee? Public services are for the people, not for the profit of private... SGEU committee spotlight: Women's Committee https://www.sgeu.org/news/sgeu-news/sgeu-committee-spotlight-womens Meet the women’s committee! The SGEU Women’s Committee brings awareness to issues affecting women members, encourages women to participate in union activities, and works with other women’s organizations to advocate for women in the labour movement and beyond! Why did you decide to get involved in the women’s committee? Our province needs to address women’s... Thursday tales wrap-up https://www.sgeu.org/news/sgeu-news/thursday-tales-wrap-up February marks Indigenous Storytelling Month, a time when Indigenous culture and knowledge are beautifully conveyed through traditional stories. It’s a fantastic opportunity to immerse ourselves in the rich heritage and narratives of Indigenous peoples, gaining unique perspectives and insights into their cultures and traditions. To celebrate this year's Indigenous Storytelling... PS/GE Bargaining Unit reaches impasse with Government of Saskatchewan https://www.sgeu.org/news/sgeu-news/psge-bargaining-unit-reaches-impasse-with-government-of-saskatchewan February 7, 2024 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Public Service/Government Employment (PS/GE) bargaining unit of the Saskatchewan Government and General Employees’ Union (SGEU) has reached an impasse in its contract negotiations with the Government of Saskatchewan. The current collective bargaining agreement between the parties expired on September 30, 2022. PS/GE is SGEU’s largest...