Crown Sector
Bargaining Update - April 25, 2013
Post date: April 29, 2013
The SCIC Negotiating Committee met with the employer on April 10-12 and the 23rd and 24th, 2013 at which time we continued negotiations.
We have very little to update you with at this time but thought it appropriate to stay in contact with everyone concerned. Negotiations have been going very smooth so far with both sides participating in a fair and reasonable manner.
Bargaining Update - April 1, 2013
Post date: April 01, 2013
The SCIC Negotiating Committee met with the employer on March 28, 2013 at which time the parties exchanged proposals packages.
If you would like a copy of the Unions proposals submitted to management, please email with your name, job title and home office.
Further negotiating dates have been set to April 11, 2013.
Although not all-inclusive, the following are some of the management proposals being discussed at the bargaining table:
Bargaining Update
Post date: March 11, 2013
On Thursday, March 7th we met with the management bargaining committee and began renegotiating our collective agreement. Thursday’s agenda involved a meet and greet and some preliminary discussion on etiquette, processes and behavior at the table, as well as some outstanding items from the last round of bargaining such as:
- The status of our collective agreement rewrite;
- A phone and computer for the union office;
Bargaining Update
Post date: February 19, 2013
Seven dates have been set for bargaining starting at the end of March and carrying through April and into the beginning of May.
Nine tentative dates have been selected for after that.
Outstanding relcassification appeals have all been scheduled to be heard into the beginning of April.
Outstanding step 2 grievances will be heard on February 20 and 21.
The collective agreement rewrite is nearing completion and might actually be used for bargaining.
Bargaining Update
Post date: January 14, 2013
Bargaining Update
The union has again requested to set some bargaining dates with the employer. The employer has retained the assistance of a contractor for bargaining again who has responded to our request to set dates in approximately four weeks. This roughly means that bargaining will not begin for about eight weeks at which time we hope to exchange proposals with the employer.
Health Plan Changes
Post date: January 14, 2013
Health Plan Changes
After some analysis on the current state and long term feasibility of our health plan, the bargaining committee is able to again build on the current coverage levels being offered.
For 2013:
- Employees working 1800+ hours per year will have an increase to their health spending accounts from $300 to $400 per year.
- Employees working 780 to 1799 hours per year will have an increase to their health spending accounts form $100 to $200 per year.
- Employees working 1800+ and 780 to 1799 hours per year will have a change to "Outside province of residence travel benefits". The coverage termination will change from "At the earlier of retirement or age 65" to "At the earlier of retirement or age 70".
Strike Fund Repayment
Post date: October 10, 2012
All Local 2151 members, please be advised effective December 2, 2012, SGEU is decreasing union dues from 2.5% to 1.9% of all employee earnings. This is due to the completion of the strike fund repayment.
Proposals Conference in Regina
Post date: September 11, 2012
All of the shop stewards gathered to review and discuss the proposals that were put forward for bargaining. There were some good discussions around some of the proposals and we managed to create a priority list to take forward to bargaining. Bargaining is tentatively scheduled to begin in October. Once the proposals packages have been exchanged with management, we will make ours available to the rest of the membership.