The theme of this year’s Convention was “Reconnect.” Delegates from across the province reconnected from April 25 to 27 to discuss issues, debate resolutions and make important decisions. We elected table officers and trustees, deliberated and passed a budget.  We reconnected and made new connections. Through all of this, we set a path forward for our union.

Connecting and reconnecting is important – not just at our convention but in everything we do – at work, in our union and in our communities. Connecting is what makes us stronger. It’s what makes us capable of doing almost anything we set our minds to do. And it’s what reminds us that we are not alone.

Helen Keller said: “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”

Together, we advocate for dignified working conditions, fair wages and a healthy work life balance. We aim for a strong economy and thriving communities. We want the best for everyone in our province – for ourselves, our families, friends and neighbours, and for our coworkers and all workers.

It is through connecting and reconnecting that we can accomplish those goals and so much more.

At the end of convention, I challenged all delegates to make a commitment – and it’s one I extend to all members.

Commit to connecting or reconnecting. Connect with someone new to the union and encourage them to get involved. Bring someone with you to a local or sector meeting. Talk to a coworker about signing up for one of our union’s courses. Make suggestions about how your local or sector can connect with your community. There are so many ways we can make connections.

Whether it’s a lot or a little, what you do can make a real difference. Every action helps to make our workplaces, our union and our communities a better place.

In the words of the great Desmond Tutu: “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”

In solidarity,
Tracey Sauer (she/her)
SGEU President