The SGEU offices will be closed at noon on Tuesday, December 24 and will remain closed on Wednesday, December 25 and Thursday, December 26

Local 1103 Scholarship Application

Helen Nimilowich Memorial Scholarships

The Local 1103 Scholarships are open to all Local 1103 members in good standing, their spouses and dependants. Two $500 scholarships are awarded each year. Preference is for one male and one female applicant, and first time students, although returning students and former students may also apply.

Applicants must be registered for studies at an accredited post-secondary institution or technical school, in a program that leads to a certificate, degree or diploma.

Award will be made on the basis of community and school activity. High academic standing will not be the sole criteria for the award.

How to apply

  • To apply, fill out the application form below. You will receive a copy of your application.
  • Add one essay of 500 words, or less, on a current labour issue, notice of acceptance to school, transcripts of marks from your educational institution.

Application deadline

  • August 31

The scholarship will be awarded after approval at the following Local 1103 meeting in September, and confirmation of your acceptance to your accredited post-secondary school.


Applicant Information

SGEU Connection

Education Information


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Confirmation of Application