Crown Sector Bursary & Scholarship Application Form

These bursaries and scholarship are open to all SGEU Crown Sector members, spouses and dependents. To find out if you are in the Crown Sector, please look at your union membership card: the four-digit Sector # must start with the number 2.

Note re essays for all bursaries and scholarships: the selection committee will look for evidence that you’ve done some work and learned from the exercise. The understanding you’ve conveyed will outweigh the technical aspect of the essay. Please be sure to note published resources in your bibliography.

Susan Jeannotte Memorial Bursaries

Two $2,000 bursaries for full-time, and two $1,000 bursaries for part-time studies, are available to members in good standing who have held memberships in the union for at least one year and are enrolled in a recognized post-secondary institution, community college, or other post-secondary institution; the Labour College of Canada; and other recognized institutions or courses considered appropriate by the committee.
One full-time bursary will be awarded to a self-identified applicant from an equity-seeking group (Indigenous, visible minority/people of colour, LGBTQ2S+, members with disabilities, and women). If no applicants from one of the equity-seeking groups apply, or do not qualify, the bursary will be awarded to one of the other applicants.
The selection committee will meet in late August, and awards will be announced in September. In the event there are not two applicants for the part-time bursaries, one or both $1,000 bursaries will be awarded to applicants in the full-time category.
To apply: The bursaries will be awarded based on financial need, and a submission of an essay of 500 words submitted with the application form. The 2023 essay topic is: “What can SGEU do to promote mental health amongst its members?”

Application deadline: August 15

Christine Day Memorial Scholarship

2022 winner: Seth Lendrum

One $2,000 scholarship for full-time students is available to members in good standing who have held memberships in the union for at least one year and are enrolled in a recognized post-secondary institution, community college, or other post-secondary institution; the Labour College of Canada; and other recognized institutions or courses considered appropriate by the committee.
The selection committee will meet in late August, and awards will be announced in September.
To apply: The scholarship will be awarded based on a submission of an essay of 500 words submitted with the application form. The essay topic is: Women in the Union.
Application deadline: August 15


Apply for a Crown Sector Bursary or Scholarship

Complete the information below to apply for one of the Crown Sector scholarships. A copy of your submission will be emailed to you.

Mailing address while attending school (if different than above)

Complete this section if you are an SGEU member

Note: Either this section or the section below must be completed to be eligible for the bursary.

Complete this section if you are a dependent of an SGEU member

Note: Either this section or the section above must be completed to be eligible for the bursary.

Marital Status - Statement of Financial Factors

Indicate the barriers and special needs that apply to your situation by checking the relevant boxes:







Please include any other factors or cirucmstances that affect your financial situation by checking the relevant boxes:




Select all that apply:









Degree/Certificate Program Information

I'm enrolled during 2022-2023 as follows:

Academic Record to Date

Your Essay

The essay needs to analyze or reflect on knowledge gained through interviews and research. Your essay must be at least 500 words long. SGEU reserves the right to publish all or selected portions of essays.

Essay questions

  • The essay for the Susan Jeannottee Memorial Bursaries (both full- and part-time) must address the question: What can SGEU do to promote mental health amongst its members?
  • The essay for the Christine Day Memorial Scholarship (full-time) must discuss the topic: Women in the union.

The selection committee will look for evidence that you've done some work and learned from the exercise. The understanding you convey will outwight the technical aspects of the essay. If you use published sources, remember to note these in your bibliography.

Note: Your name should appear only on the cover page of the essay. The essay should be typed and double spaced.

No bigger than 5MB

How did you hear about this bursary program? Check all that apply.










Self-identification for members of equity-seeking groups (Voluntary)

I am a member of the following equity-seeking group(s): (Check applicable boxe(s))







Please list two names of references that reflect the applican'ts contributiont to the union and/or the community. Provide their name, telephone and address and the capacity in which they have come to know you. If you are an SGEU member, we'd prefer one of hte references to be a steward or union local officer.

Confirmation of Information

I am submitting my application for an SGEU Crown Sector Bursary and declare that the information given and statements made herein are true.

I hereby authorize SGEU Crown Sector to contact the post-secondary institution to verify enrolment information.