Provincial Grievance Appeals Committee

Our Mission and Vision

The Provincial Grievance Appeals Committee develops and maintains policies for the handling of grievances that are appropriate for all sectors and bargaining units and acts as an appeal body for members who disagree with the outcome, process or decision of the bargaining unit/sector.

The Provincial Grievance Appeals Committee shall*:

  • Be comprised of five members, one each from the Education Sector, Health Sector, Crown Sector, Retail Regulatory Sector, and Community Service Sector.
  • Be comprised of one person from the equity-seeking groups from the aforementioned sectors.
  • One person from the Provincial Council, if there are no other Provincial Council members already on the committee from one of the aforementioned sectors or equity-seeking groups.
  • Where more than one person from Provincial Council sits on the Provincial Grievance Appeals Committee, Provincial Council will, at the first, meeting following Convention, determine which person will be responsible to report back to Provincial Council.
  • Subject to Article applicable Sectors and the Equity Conference in selecting members to serve on this committee should be encouraged to only choose members who have had previous training concerning grievances or some experience with the grievance processes. Provincial Council shall develop qualification criteria that potential committee members need to meet.
  • Develop and maintain policies for handling of grievances that are appropriate for the aforementioned sectors and their bargaining units.
  • For all sectors and bargaining units expect the Public Service Sector, act as an appeal body for those members who disagree with the process of, outcome of, or decision made, by the bargaining unit/sector or the Screening Committee, in regards to their grievance. The Public Service shall have their own appeal committee that shall act as the appeal body for Public Service members.

*As outlined in the Article 6.10.14 in the SGEU Constitution

Committee Members

Jared Summach, Health, Chair
Bea Fecke, Human Rights & Equity Committee, Vice Chair
Debbie Stavely, Education Sector
Whitney Kujansuu, Community Services Sector
Jeff Sedor, Crown Sector
Manmeet Singh, Public Service Sector




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