
A definition of family.FAMILY

The shift worker faces special problems in trying to maintain family relationships and social and community ties. It becomes difficult to balance work, sleep, and personal time.

The need to sleep during the day (or, for the evening worker, to be on the job during the dinner hour and the family-oriented part of the day) means that the shift worker often misses out on family activities, entertainment, and other social interaction.






  • Make “dates” with your partner or children to share special activities. Designate a certain time each week to relax and talk with your partner (even if the time changes weekly)
  • Set up a family bulletin board where family members can leave notes, schoolwork, drawings, photographs, cartoons, etc.
  • Communication is the key. Communicate often and clearly, and plan effectively.  Discuss what you’ve learned about shift work and sleep, health, stress, exercise, and nutrition. It is important to talk with family members and friends about your concerns. With their help, you can schedule special as well as regular times with spouse, children and friends. Remember that sleep loss and feeling at odds with the rest of the world can make you irritable, stressed and depressed. 
  • Shift workers especially must learn how to balance their work with their home life
  • Several factors combine to make the relationship between shift workers and their significant others sometimes more challenging: wives who take on this juggling act often demonstrate physical and emotional symptoms common to shift workers: chronic fatigue, gastrointestinal problems, strained relationships. Shift working husbands may feel guilty and angry about not being able to full participate in family life. 
  • A happy shift work family needs: Communication * Sensitivity * Time Management * Compromise
  • Making time; a top priority should be making time for one another. Family members can set a goal for how often they will keep in touch during a 24 hour period.
  • Errand and chores: one of the biggest challenges for working people anywhere is finding time to do errands and chores. Not all the time you spend with your children has to be relaxing in order to be enjoyable. Include them in household tasks. This lets them develop a sense of responsibility and gives you time to spend together.  


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