The SGEU offices will be closed at noon on Tuesday, December 24 and will remain closed on Wednesday, December 25 and Thursday, December 26

Shift Work

Shift Work: Find the Balance

A banner promoting the Shift Work resource.

Having trouble coping with shift work and its effect on your life? Working shift work, whether it be evening, overnight or a rotation can be hard on a person physically, mentally and their relationships with friends and family. We have put together this resource to help members improve their health, relieve stress, reengage with members of their family and help you adapt to working outside of regular hours.

In this short tutorial each section addresses a different concern: sleep habits, family and community ties, diet and nutrition, exercise / stress and time management. We hope you find these tips are helpful in helping you find the right balance.


Content developed by Shift Worker Committee members in 2010:

  • Darlene Gordon, SLGA
  • Sherry Hanson, Health Sector
  • Cory Hendricks, Staff
  • Michael Henselmann, Crown Sector
  • Arlette Hincks, Community Services Sector
  • Dallas Kracher, Equity
  • Bonnie McRae, Public Service Sector
  • Louise Pederson, Education Sector