Anti-Privatization Committee

Our Mission and Vision

The Anti-Privatization Committee assists sectors and bargaining units in preventing the privatization and contracting out of the work of SGEU bargaining units.

The Anti-Privatization Committee shall*:

  • Assist sectors and bargaining units in preventing the privatization and contracting out of the work of the SGEU bargaining units.
  • Assist sectors and bargaining units in developing strategies to take back work of the bargaining units that has been contracted out or disseminated to outside agencies.
  • Be involved in the development of public campaigns of the union against attacks on the work that bargaining units are certified to do.
  • Develop modules for education of the membership on privatization and contracting out for inclusion in the SGEU website and union publications, as well as the union leadership development and distance education materials curriculum.
  • Develop material for publication to the media on privatization and contracting out in contrast to the merits of quality public services in consultation with the Communications Officers and with the sanction of the President.

Anti-privatization Red Flags Poster

*As outlined in the Article 8.5.3 in the SGEU Policy Manual

Anti-Privatization Reporting Form

The SGEU Anti-Privatization Committee is interested in identifying SGEU workplaces that may be at risk of privatization. If you know of privatization efforts taking place in your workplace, we ask that you share information with us using this form.

Complete the Anti-Privatization Reporting Form

Committee Members

Jeff Trupp, Public Service Sector
Micheal Wade, Education Sector
Bea Fecke, Human Rights and Equity Committee
Jeff Sedor, Crown Sector
Sandra Martin, Health Sector
Doris Wang, Community Services Sector


"People think you don’t know what you have until it’s gone, but in actuality you just never thought you would lose it or have it disappear."

Bea Fecke, Anti-Privatization Committee Chair