Local 1102 - Saskatoon

Local 1102 Saskatoon


Local Bylaws (2022)

Upcoming Events

Please check the Events Calendar for information about upcoming activities.

Local Executive Meetings

Local 1102 executive meetings are the second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the SGEU office (except July and August).

Table Officers

Chairperson: Mark Wells
Vice-Chairperson:  Keri Whitlock
Secretary: Whitney Jones (Hodgson)
Treasurer: Kimberley Carley

Provincial Council Representatives

Diane Beaulieu
Whitney Jones

Local 1102 Bursaries

Local 1102 offers two bursaries to Local 1102 members in good standing and their partner or dependants who are pursuing post-secondary education. SGEU membership in the current calendar year is required.

Apply for Local 1102 Bursaries

Local 1102 Retirement Gift

Interested in purchasing a gift for a retiring Local 1102 member? Local 1102 will provide funds for the purchase of a retirement gift for SGEU in-scope Local 1102 members.

Find out how to apply for a retirement gift

PS/GE Bargaining Council Representative

Cal Schommer – H: 306.649.2142; C: 306.370.3334

View all PS/GE Bargaining Council members

Saskatoon District Labour Council Executive Member

Justin Priel

Committee Chairpersons

Balloting - Whitney Jones
Bylaws - Mark Wells
Education - Kim Carley
Equity - Cindy Carbno
Finance - Connie Symchyck
Membership - Keri Whitlock
OH&S - Kim Carley
Social - Vacant